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14 Incubators
30 Mentors
10 Countries
2017 - 2019

IRIS‘ main objective is to improve and strengthen management and support capacity in incubator organisations as important Innovation Infrastructures.  IRIS aims to develop incubator structures to be global frontrunners, capable to address common BSR challenges. IRIS will make the target group demonstrate higher management capacity and higher ability to support entrepreneurs, startups and SMEs in five priority areas. New support instruments will be available as a result of joint brain-storming, development and practical tests. Peer reviews as method to evaluate and improve management capacity will be spread to Innovation Infrastructure Organisations in BSR.

Relevance – what to achieve?

Incubators are organisations to boost innovation and entrepreneurship. Project IRIS shall strengthen management and support capacity of incubators in Baltic Sea region. This shall lead to enhanced incubator performance, which will result in more surviving start-up companies and growing businesses. IRIS will contribute to development of the Baltic Sea Region as a dynamic, innovative and business driven region.

Content – how to do it?

Existing incubator support instruments will be shared and transferred between partners. New instruments will also be developed and tested. A Guideline with descriptions of useful support instruments will be made available also outside the partnership.

“Peer review” is defined as evaluation of work by professionals of similar competence. Peer reviews are used to enhance quality and improve performance. All IRIS partners will take part in peer reviews to evaluate and improve their capacity. A Road map with conclusions from the peer reviews will be made available also outside the partnership. This output can be used by organisations and policy makers to improve regional innovation systems. Learn more about the IRIS support instruments.

IRIS will also support the flagship BSR Stars in its ambitions to develop a collaboration platform for incubators.

Partnership – who will do it?

The partnership comprises 14 incubator organisations from all countries of the Baltic rim, including Norwegian and Russian partners. The Nordic Council of Ministers is an Associated Partner to IRIS.



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