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2017 12 05

IRIS kicks-off in Sweden

The Interreg project IRIS started with a hugely successful Kick-Off in Dalarna, Sweden. 32 participants from 14 incubators in 10 countries gathered in the little village of Tällberg in Dalarna, Sweden, for a three day Kick-Off Conference to launch the Baltic Sea Region Interreg Project “IRIS”.

IRIS stands for “Improved Results in Innovation Support – transnational exchange and joint development between innovation infrastructure organisations” – a vision which the Kick-Off participants truly embraced.

The project will span over three years and the core activities will be peer reviews of the 14 incubator operations around the Baltic Sea, thematic workshops, result dissemination and implementation. The results of the peer reviews will serve as a platform to improve and learn from each other – and in the end, set the standard for all incubators. The coordination framework set by the IRIS project, will also support the flagship BSR Stars in its ambitions to develop a collaboration platform for incubators.

More about IRIS here!